Our Stillpoint Kölsch and Summer Sour are still pouring, and we have some new stuff coming!

In the tank now we have a Honey Brown Lager, should weigh in at around 4.8% ABV and 12 IBU. Featuring Dark Cloud’s new Double Honey malt as well as an addition of local wildflower honey. This one is going to be tasty!

Local Lager will return soon, now at 4.2% ABV.

Maryland All Stars IPA has been a hit!  We’re proud to have brewed a 100% Maryland-grown IPA featuring all our favorite hop growers and maltsters!  It’s so good that we have decided to do it again!

Green Farmer 18 is delicious and is now pouring, and Brewer Harry is already working on a new and unique recipe for Green Farmer 19!