Well, another summer is absolutely flying by. We’ve been busy (and hot as…) brewing to catch up after we got our new chiller installed!
We have some cool stuff planned for what may be the hottest month. Green Farmer 21 is in the tank bubbling away, and we hope you’ll love it. This is the first Green Farmer to feature 100% local Bear Branch malt! We’re keeping it classic with a large helping of MD-grown cascade and chinook hops. Expect this delicious treat in a few weeks and enjoy Green Farmer 20 while you still can.
And in lager news, we are putting the finishing touches on a wonderful new fall lager recipe… the elusive Dutch bock! This recipe is inspired by our friend Henk in the Netherlands and features Maryland Munich malt and some wonderful chocolate notes.
Summer Sour is still flowing, though the woodruff syrup supplies will be running out soon. Fortunately this beer is delicious even without the traditional syrup addition at serving, but ol’ Harry may have some more woodruff squirreled away in the herb cabinet.
Have you been enjoying the return of our cask ale program? Some upcoming casks may really melt your face off! And some others may be a little kinder… but we’ll let them be a surprise.