Taproom Highlights January 2023

Taproom Highlights January 2023

Beer Release! As we finish up with our “December Darks” (Baltic Porter & Zelenskyy Porter with Cacao), we are SO excited to finally introduce our “Catoctin Heritage” hop, now officially known as Monocacy in our new Pale Ale! Also get ready for Bug...

Catoctin Heritage Rye Kölsch

6% abv, 21 ibu Summer has come to a close, and so has our supply of Catoctin Heritage Kölsch. However, we are unwilling to say goodbye to the style, and are happy to introduce a kölsch for cooler weather- Catoctin Heritage Rye Kölsch! Made with 100% Maryland grown...

Local Lager

Our version of a domestic lager made with 100% Maryland grown ingredients. Crispy and light–beer flavored beer! 4.2% ABV

Pale Saison

Traditionally brewed for farmers in Wallonia, the French speaking region of Belgium, the Saison is perfect to welcome the spring growing season. Our take on this traditional farmhouse style is brewed with only the highest quality Maryland grown ingredients that truly...