Well January flew right by, didn’t it? February is almost here, so here’s the scoop:

Dollyhyde Apiary is being retired. When what is on tap is gone, it is gone.  We had a good run, used plenty of our local honey, and enjoyed drinking it.

In its place, Heather Hill Honey Brown Lager will be made a year-round offering here at Milkhouse Brewery. We love it, our customers love it, and it’s here to stay.

And while the weather is still chilly, our Baltic Porter and Baltic Brown Lager are still flowing. Both are understandably proving to be quite popular. If you haven’t tried these two yet, get in here!

And since we are on a lager streak, expect Märzen to be back on tap and better than ever in March!

Also, expect Local Lager to take a little break as we await the new delivery of maryland-grown and malted Dark Cloud Pilsen. The last keg of Local Lager is on now, and then it will be spring before we release the next batch.

Did I mention Honey Brown Lager returns soon?  I did?  Sorry, we’re all just really excited about that one coming back on tap.

For more information about release dates, please check our website at milkhousebrewery.com,
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