Citrus Summer Wheat

An old favorite is back!  Celebrate the dog days of summer with the perfect summer brew- our Citrus Summer Wheat has returned and is better than ever. Wheat and barley come together with a Belgian twist!  Bigger and brighter than our Homestate Hefeweizen, this 6.5%...

Too Many Cooks Cream Ale

At 4.5% abv and 14 ibu, this delectable cream ale was brewed in our small brewery by no less than FIVE brewers using Maryland malt from Chesapeake Malting Company as well as malted bloody butcher corn from our pals at Murphy and Rude. They say that too many cooks can...

Catoctin Heritage Oktoberfest

5.5% abv, 21 ibu This classic copper colored lager features Maryland-grown Munich, Pilsen and Pale malts and Maryland-grown Monocacy hops in a perfect balance. This slightly sweet and malty backbone is delicately hopped and lagered for several months before...

Catoctin Heritage Kölsch

A fresh take on our 100% Maryland Stillpoint Kölsch, this year it was brewed with 100% Monocacy hops!  The noble characteristics of this unique hop pair wonderfully with the simple pleasure that is a fine kölsch. 100% Maryland malts (pils and Vienna) provide the malty...

The Garden Biere de Garde Gold

A Bière de Garde Gold brewed in 2018 and aged in French oak. The Garden is delicious and clocks in at 6.8% abv. This well aged beauty takes a step back from the tartness of its predecessor, instead focusing on tropical fruit, funky Brettanomyces and oak. The playful...

Catoctin Heritage Vienna Lager

5.4% abv / 20 ibu Perhaps the favorite of last year’s Catoctin Heritage series, our Vienna Lager returns!  While the recipe remains unchanged, we think that the 2023 Monocacy hop harvest is a little more assertive and complex than the 2022 harvest. And once again,...