Catoctin Heritage Cream Ale

4.5% abv / 14 IBU Welcome to Corn Country!  It’s no secret that we love a good cream ale, and this is a very good cream ale indeed!  The craftiest barley malt Maryland has to offer, mixed with a heapin’ helpin’ of Maryland grown and malted corn and hopped with...

Stake the Farm Maryland Common

A collaboration with Liquidity Aleworks Style: Maryland Common, 5% ABV 100% Maryland Malt and using the Maryland native Monocacy Hop. Moderate grainy-sweet maltiness with low to medium-low caramel, toffee, bready, or biscuity notes. Generally light palate flavors...


A long-awaited collaboration between Milkhouse Brewery and Black Locust Farm Brewery. This super hazy and tropical NEIPA using Maryland-grown hops and is unlike anything we have ever brewed before. 7.2 ABV, 31 IBUs

Fuzz in the Street Wild Red Ale

Fuzz In The Street is a wild red ale brewed in November of 2018 with 100% locally grown and malted barley, wheat, and oats.  This was then lightly hopped with aged chinook grown right here at Stillpoint Farm. This red ale was fermented and lightly aged in a foeder...

Oktoberfest Märzen Lager

This classic copper colored lager features Maryland-grown Munich, Pilsen and Pale malts and Maryland-grown Brewer’s Gold hops in a perfect balance. This slightly sweet malty backbone is delicately hopped and lagered for several months before serving.  5.5% ABV, 21...