by Milkhouse | Dec 2, 2023 | Farm Notes
December on the farm is a time for things to slow down a bit and for us to get caught up on repairs and projects. The corn has been harvested and we have baled the remaining corn shocks up to use as bedding for the cows. Hay equipment gets power washed and put away....
by Milkhouse | Nov 6, 2023 | Farm Notes
November brings the wrapping up of many farm things and the beginning of next year in many ways. We have a new ram (sheep – not truck) this fall, Nate, from Underhill Farm in Pa. He is a registered colored Leicester Longwool ram who will provide us with some different...
by Milkhouse | Oct 5, 2023 | Farm Notes
October is a transition month as we welcome Autumn. Cooler temperatures and shorter days typically slow the grass growth. However, this year given that we have finally gotten some rain the grass is putting on a real growth spurt. Hopefully this will allow us to get...
by Milkhouse | Sep 1, 2023 | Farm Notes
This September will be a bit different due to the excessive drought. We did not have a hop harvest at all this year as it was just too dry for them to grow. Hopefully still coming is the much-anticipated harvest of the unique Monocacy hop currently being grown, and...
by Milkhouse | Jul 31, 2023 | Farm Notes
August typically focuses mostly on harvesting and maintenance. Hay continues to be cut and hops harvested as well as sweet corn and tomatoes. However, this year the focus is on WATER – or the lack of. We have had a total of 2.0 in. since mid May – officially putting...
by Milkhouse | Jul 3, 2023 | Farm Notes
July is usually a bit of a slower month on the farm and very weather dependent. The first cutting of hay is done although it was down by about 70% due to the drought. Second cutting usually will start around July 4 . However, this year, again because it has been so...