It’s Fe-BREW-ary already?!  That means it’s almost new lager time!
Friday, February 10th will see the release of not one, but TWO new lagers featuring Maryland’s local hop Monocacy.

First, we have Catoctin Heritage American Lager (4.2% abv / 12 ibu)

Harry had long had suspicions that our unique hop varietal monocracy would truly shine as a lager hop, and he set out to prove it!  This is a fresh take on our crisp clean local lager made with the freshest and most local ingredients possible. The crisp malty backbone is perfectly balanced with Monocacy to create a supremely satisfying Maryland beer. This easy drinking beer is an exercise in crispness and simplicity.

Secondly, we have Catoctin Heritage Vienna Lager (5.4% abv / 20 ibu)

One good lager deserves another, so we decided to see how Monocacy played with a grist bill heavy with Bear Branch’s Vienna Malt.  The two go together wonderfully, with a smooth and toasty maltiness complimenting the floral earthiness of Monocacy.

And just to prove that lagers don’t get to have all the fun, our new Green Farmer 22  is also a Catoctin Heritage Pale Ale! 5.5% abv / 35 ibu

A classic 100% Maryland pale ale, made even more Maryland with the addition of our hop varietal ‘Monocacy’.

With Chinook bittering additions followed by copious amounts of Monocacy for aroma and presence, this is the first full batch of Maryland brewed beer featuring this unique hop varietal in quite some time!

We are excited to share this piece of Maryland brewing history with everyone, and are even more thrilled about taking this interesting ingredient into the future of Maryland beer.