Wow, how is it May already?  Trees have leaves now!  Bees are out and about!  And the thirst for warm-weather beers begins! And the sweet woodruff will soon be harvested for syrup…

This is the month we say “Goodbye” to Red Eye Porter and “Hello” to some crispy and delicious offerings.

Green Farmer Pale Ale #23 will replace Green Farmer Pale Ale #22 (see Beer Release article above).

The woodruff syrup season will mark the return of our Summer Sour, a slightly tart and crushable ale inspired by classic Berliner Weiss. The brewers have some new variations planned for this batch, so keep an eye out for tasty additions such as grapefruit, orange, and even yerba mate.

Bug House is gone, but the next in our wild series will be on very soon! Canteen Plums is a 5.4% wild sour red ale fermented with a house culture of yeast and bacteria isolated from the skins of fresh local yellow plums and aged in a French oak foeder for eighteen months.  With loads of acidity and heavy stone fruit flavors, this is sure to be a popular addition to the series.

Oktoberfest Märzen is lagering away in the tanks awaiting cooler weather.  In the meantime, Harry and Ray are preparing to brew batch two of Stillpoint Kölsch.  This crispy, pale and delicious lawnmower beer is coming late May/early June.
